Not had much to update over the last couple of months, as we maxed out injectors, map sensors and wmi injection on our TTU600. Now work has slowed down a little due to lock down again I have had the opportunity to look into my options to sort the above issues out.
The oem Map sensors that read boost levels can only read 2bar, the TTU600 hits 2bar by mid 3k rpm and holds that to redline which is great but the duty cycle shows the turbo has more to give. After some searching I have found 4bar map sensors to suit so now we can see above 2bar and control the boost correctly.
Now issue number 2, fuel supply, the stock injectors max out around 600hp. We have been using wmi 2x nozzles to aid the extra fuel and gained an extra 60hp on 50 50 mix, I have changed the mix to 70% meth and fitted larger nozzles with a map tweak it did improve the power, I didnt dyno it to see how much more, logs suggest around a further 20hp.
I had 2 options larger injectors,which I see porsche 1s fit but modifications are needed, which with a di engine doesn't sit right with me. This is something I will look into once I forge the engine. The route I have taken is direct port meth, I have ordered 5 meth injectors and a fueling rail. This will eliminate all my problems and give me any extra fuel I need.
This will be a slow process as aquamist has to make them to order and won't be here for 3 to 4 weeks, then fitting and mapping. ..I am hoping by April I will have another update with a draggy or dyno plot showing we are over 700hp on our TTU600.
Edited by BenTTU, 13 March 2021 - 11:08 AM.